Friday, February 5, 2010

The Super Bowl!!

The big game is this Sunday!
Living in Indiana and having the Colts going to the Super Bowl, you can bet it's a HUGE DEAL! Everywhere you go either to the doctor's, the bank, grocery store etc... everything is about the super bowl.
I thought I'd post some pictures of some things that the kids have done at school lately.
Everything is COLTS, COLTS, COLTS!
At the kids school every Friday is a "Blue" day also know as wear your Colts attire to school. Well today being the Friday before the game, they did all kinds of stuff.
They had face painting, blue football cake, blue ice cream and so on...
Shaylie is very proud of her pink Payton Manning jersey.
In her class today they colored Colts pictures and they had to write a story about them.
Bridger is all about learning how to play football when it gets warmer, he really want's uncle Dallen to come out and teach him a thing or two.
All I can say is the kids came home very hipper today.