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So just to up date our blo
g, not much has been going on. Steve is right into school busy as ever, his schedule is pretty much: Wake up, have a coke for breakfast, go to school, come home around 5:00, study, eat dinner, study,watch a little t.v. and go to bed . However he does have Fridays and Saturdays off so it is a nice break from going to school, even though he spends those days studying.At home not much has gone on, we finally took family pictures the other day in some woods close to our house. That is what Indiana looks like pretty much everywhere. It's really pretty, we hardly notice that the mountain's aren't there.
We are really looking forward to seeing the leaves change in the fall, their are going to b e leaves everywhere.
So we had a raccoon in our bac
kyard, and I finally saw it the other day when I was walking Bridger to his bus stop. He is huge, I just hope that
Mr. Magoo doesn't encounter it.
Well not much has gone on, so I will post again next month.