Thursday, December 11, 2008

Shaylie cracks us up!!

Shaylie cracks us up!
Last night Steve was tucking Shaylie into bed and she was just goofing off and playing around with him (like they always do at bedtime) and he was trying to get her to say "good night" to him and she would only nod, so Steve asked her if she remembered how to talk and she nodded yes, then he said "what words do you remember" and she answered back "like onomatopoeia", we laughed so hard because a couple months ago we were explaining that word to Bridger one night when he was reading and their was a word like "meow" in it and he asked why the word sounded like the actual sound; I had no idea that she was even paying attention to the conversation at all, and to just randomly bring it up at that time was so hilarious, that just goes to say that you have to be very careful to what you say around your kids, cause you have no idea what they remember and when they will bring it up.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving & Bridger

Wow, I can't believe it is already DECEMBER, where does the time go?
I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! Ours was great... it sounds really funny to most people but we just went to a buffet, and had a really low key day, we got out some Christmas decorations, made a gingerbread house, and I made a pumpkin pie, we went through ads and made a Christmas Shopping list. Me and Steve debated on going out to venture the Black Friday door buster sales and neither of us saw anything that we absolutely had to have that would be worth going out at 5am (we're OK paying a extra dollar on socks this year) normally we usually do go out and it is a really fun thing we do with Steve's family, but only one of us could go out and it's just not worth the hassle.
However, we did go out later in the day and still got a lot of things that were still on sale and the crowds were mostly gone, between me and Steve going out at separate times we got a lot done for the kids and each other, and then later that night we went to the mall at Castelton (it's huge) and did some more shopping, the kids saw Santa and it was really fun.

Anyway, we have a calender up in our kitchen that is actually a countdown to Christmas, but instead having it count down to Christmas, we're having it count down until our flight back to Utah for the Holidays. The kids are so excited... everyday they turn it and giggle and laugh and say"we're getting closer" in a really high pitched voice. We are all very excited.

Bridger has been very anxious to go because he has now lost both of his front two teeth, he doesn't want them to grow back in before our families can see him, cause he thinks he looks really cool.
Everyday I see him I just want to SQUEEZE him because he looks so cute when he smiles, I think he smiles more, and extra big cause he is so proud of it.

So while I am on one with Bridger... I also have to mention his latest award that he got from school.
Bridger's school does this thing called the Terrific Kid award, and each teacher in each grade picks two of her best students and they get to go to a light breakfast with their families and they give them a certificate and the teacher says what they did to deserve the award. And when she mentioned Bridger, she said he was very smart and always listens and does everything she tells him to do and he is always nice to all the other kids.
We are very proud of him!
And yes, I did get emotional. It's really fun to watch him grow and learn so much so fast, I can't believe he can already read and write and loose teeth, it's just hard to watch at the same time, it's like he's slipping away and their is nothing I can do about it. THEY GROW TOO FAST!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, we had Halloween and it was a blast! We had Krista, Jacob and Kaylie come over and spend the night. We pretty much ate, ate, and ate. We also carved pumpkins and Jacob, Krista and I took the kids Trick or Treating. After the kids went to bed instead of watching horror movies as people normally do, we watched "The Office" and the other funny shows that we had recorded and hadn't seen yet. Thursday has good TV!

We didn't know where to go exactly, s
o I found a nice neighborhood that was by our church. And WOW I had no idea how nice of a neighborhood it was, the houses were huge and every house we went to, me and Krista were ooing and ahhing, needless to say the kids did very well in a short amount of time, I felt bad because Bridger is now the age where he could stay out a lot longer but he was with Shaylie and Kaylie and Shaylie couldn't even carry her pumpkin after the first few houses. But they all got enough candy and were happy.

Steve went to a Halloween Party at schoo
l and he just wore the sign "Nudist on Strike". The kids didn't know what is meant but they wore it around anyway, and Steve got this one of Bridger (he was in his underwear), it was pretty funny.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Day trip to Versailles State Park Indiana

We went on a day trip to a State Park to look at the leaves before they all fall off. I don't know what it will look like when their are no leaves on the trees out here.
It was a nice little get away for Steve because it was his fall break.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bridger's Birthday

Well it was Bridger's birthday on the 9th, at school he was the birthday boy in class, he brought doughnuts and everyone sang Happy Birthday to him in English and Spanish (he has like four or five kids in his class that only speak Spanish, and I think Bridger already knows more Spanish than I do) then later that night when Steve got home from school we went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill (Bridger picked it because he wanted to eat squid for dinner because he wanted a shark/under the sea party, he also wanted shark fin soup, but I don't think anywhere has that, he does like seafood though). And he wore is crown and everyone their thought he was so cute and so they gave him a lot of attention.
We ended up celebrating his birthday on the 10th because Steve didn't have school. So we picked Bridger up from school and went to the Children Museum in down town Indianapolis, it was a blast, their was so much to do and so many things for the kids to see, they even had a under water/shark section. He loved the Dinosaur's and so did Shaylie, they had so much there that I can't even name half or this would be way too long.
So after that we came home and opened presents and had cake, Bridger got a lot of stuff and a lot of sea/shark stuff, but one present he got was a computer game called "Spore" it was a great gift from Steve that Bridger plays all the time. He is always on the computer and I have to now set time limits on it, (that's also why it has taken me a few days to get Bridger's birthday pictures on the blog) but, it's great because he doesn't make a mess.
Bridger really wanted a shark cake, so for the past week or so I was trying to figure out a way I could make a shark cake, and that is what I came up with, I thought is was cool because I found a red velvet cake mix and made the shark with it, so when you cut the cake it looked like blood, and that is what every six year old boy thinks is really cool.
I can't believe he is already six, I love to see my kids grow and learn and do new things but I also hate it because their not babies anymore. Where does the time go? They grow up so fast!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bridger "isms"

I have yet a new one from Bridger.
We were eating dinner the other day, and we had toasted almonds as a side for dinner, (Bridger loves them) as he was eating them he randomly said "Mom how on earth, did you get all of those almonds out of the toaster?" it was pretty funny, we had to explain the whole toasting process in a pan or in the oven, he seemed confused. But it made us laugh.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

More Funny Things Kids Say

So, I have more things to add that my kids have said in the last week that have really made us laugh.
We picked up Bridger from school last Friday, he is very excited for his birthday coming up on the 9th. He told us that he told everyone in class that on his secret cell phone, he got a call from his elephants and they sang him Happy Birthday, in English and in Spanish, and that it made him so happy and more excited for his birthday coming up. (He's weird, I know)

And I have a couple things that Shaylie has said that were funny and random. A few days ago I was getting her breakfast in the morning (which was cereal), I was pouring the milk, and Shay said "Mom you better not leave the milk out, cause if you leave the milk out it will taste like wood and old gas." Then she said "Hu Mom." And if any of you know Shaylie she is always saying "Hu Mom" all the time all day long.
The other funny thing she said was on a phone conversation with her uncle Dallen. She was telling him what she was going to be for Halloween and what Bridger is going to be, then she told Dallen that he could be a hot dog or a sandwich for Halloween. I don't know where she came up with those costumes but it was pretty funny. I guess we'll see if Dallen will dress up as either of those for Halloween, cause Shaylie thought it was a good idea.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Funny things kids say!

So, Bridger says the funniest things sometimes and we can never remember what he says. So we decided to put on our blog Bridger and Shaylie "ism's".
The other day we were driving on an errand in the car, no one was talking, it was just one of those quiet moments, and Bridger just out of the blue says,"I had a dream last night, that you Dad, were a bottle of ketchup and I was a bottle of mayonnaise, which was weird because I am usually the ketchup and you are the mayonnaise." We all busted up laughing, but the funny thing was, is he said it so seriously and when he tells us stuff or when they say their prayers at night and they are really meaning it, we don't want to laugh at them and make them feel self conscious, but this one we had to bust up, their was no keeping it in.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Just a little update.

So just to up date our blo
g, not much has been going on. Steve is right into school busy as ever, his schedule is pretty much: Wake up, have a coke for breakfast, go to school, come home around 5:00, study, eat dinner, study,watch a little t.v. and go to bed . However he does have Fridays and Saturdays off so it is a nice break from going to school, even though he spends those days studying.
At home not much has gone on, we finally took family pictures the other day in some woods close to our house. That is what Indiana looks like pretty much everywhere. It's really pretty, we hardly notice that the mountain's aren't there.
We are reall
y looking forward to seeing the leaves change in the fall, their are going to b e leaves everywhere.
So we had a
raccoon in our bac
kyard, and I finally saw it the other day when I was walking Bridger to his bus stop. He is huge, I just hope that
Mr. Magoo doesn't encounter it.
Well not much has gone on, so I will post again next month.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shaylie's 4th birthday!
Dad gives her roses every birthday.

Shaylie wanted to go to the zoo (again).

At the zoo looking at the Polar Bears.

Shaylie siting with her finger out waiting for a butterfly
to land on her finger, I have never seen a child sit so still for
so long.

The butterfly birthday cake
I made her.
Shaylie at Chuck E. Cheese

Shay opening all her presents,
that's the best part.

So we had Shaylie's birthday, I can't believe she is 4, time goes by so fast. She wanted to go to the zoo to ride the ponies and see her favorite animals, so we went their in the morning. Well the ponies were not open. so we saw other things that she likes. She loves the butterflies, and sat and sat and sat waiting for a butterfly to land on her finger. Finally Steve had to tell her that one landed on her head, and that made her day. Then we went on a walk around Steve's school because he had to attend a short class, so me and the kids took a walk around and saw the canal in Indianapolis, it was pretty cool. Bridger and Shaylie kept asking if their were sharks in the water and wondered why you can't go swimming in it.

Then we went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner, and Shaylie loved it, but she really does not like the big mouse who walks around shaking and giving high fives to all the kids, so she hid under the table and pulled dad's hand to get away from the mouse.

After that we went home and had cake and opened presents, all and all it was a really fun day, I think Shaylie really liked it.

Now she says she is as old as Bridger.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bridger's first day of Kindergarten

Bridger's first day on the School Bus

Monday, August 18, 2008

Well to up date our Blog. Bridger has started kindergarten and he loves it and he loves riding on the bus. His teacher seems really nice & she really likes Bridger. I have started Shaylie's preschool, she also seems to like it, she just gets lonley without other kids to play with.
Steve will start school this week and he is really looking forward to it, I think he is getting very stir crazy and ready to get going.
We are all doing really well and we still enjoy Indiana, the weather has been so much cooler than Utah so it has been nice (until winter).
Shaylie's birthday is coming up and she will be turning 4 and she thinks she is so big. She keeps saying that she will be older than Bridger now.
Well not much more has gone on but I will post more pictures after Shaylie's birthday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Well this whole blog thing is new to me, so I will start from what has been going on for the past few months. It all started when Steve graduated from Weber the last part of May, from then we were waiting and waiting to find out where he would be accepted into law school, we knew we were moving so we were in the process of selling our house and not knowing where you are going to live (It's a bit stressful). So he was accepted into a few schools and we were just hoping that it would be somewhere close, but the best school was Connecticut and I don't think you can get much farther than that. Then we decided to put money down and do the whole sign up process and then he got accepted into a few other schools, one was Denver, it wasn't a very good school but it was closer, then he got accepted into IU (Indiana University) and that is where we decided to go, we had the best feeling about it and it is a really good school so needless to say as of July 7th we now live in Indianapolis IN. Things just really worked out for us, it's like this was just meant to be we sold our house in 4 days on the market and some houses in our neighborhood are still for sale, it was a true blessing (and we made a killer equity) to help us pay rent and get completely out of debt, so we will be taken care of that way. Any way things just worked out for us and we are very happy in Indianapolis, its only been a week or so and we are having the home sickness thing but it is really beautiful here and I think we will really like it.

Bridger will start Kindergarten on Aug. 13th so that will be really weird I can't believe how fast they grow up. He is very excited. Shaylie is always happy she just goes with the flow and is happy if she has our cat and her horses.

On our drive to Indianapolis we stopped in Nauvoo it was awesome, we stayed a day and a half and we could have spent more time if we had it. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't been there to go it was really neat, and the kids loved it too. Ever since they have been playing "Pioneers" Bridgers bed is the wagon and he ties his elephants to the bed to be the oxen (it's really funny).

A day after we moved into our townhouse we got to see the storms that the east gets it was so cool but at the same time scary we had a tornado warning and the lightning was crazy but the crazy part was the rain it just came down so hard that we got soaked just walking to the car to the house we looked like we just jumped in a swimming pool.

So Steve starts school the end of Aug. and Bridger the middle of Aug. and I will stay home with Shaylie and teach her preschool.